Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Self-Inflicted Crisis Presidency

Weds., Jan 25  "I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD..." --PGIC

Tues., Jan. 24  With the south trying to recover from more than 20 tornadoes, no federal help is forthcoming, according to officials.  Spicer reconfirms PGIC's doubts about the election process, but offers no evidence.

Mon., Jan 23  Having won the electoral vote, Darth wants more.  Meeting with Congressional leaders, Trump renews bogus claims of widespread voter fraud. He says up to 5 million illegal votes give Hillary Clinton the winning popular vote margin. 

Mon., Jan 23 "I think sometimes we can disagree with the facts." --Spicer

Sat., Jan. 21 "This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period." Sean Spicer's first appearance in the WH press briefing room goes over like an anvil dropped from a cliff.

(also: PGIC himself gives ill-advised, self-focused political speech at CIA.)

Fri., Jan. 20 "American carnage." Darth Trump presents history's gloomiest inaugural address.  

Friday, January 20, 2017

Pussy Grabber in Chief

Congratulations, 77,000 Americans in PA, MI and WI (who tipped the "yuge" electoral margin), and the millions more who stayed home in November!

In return for your toddler tantrum, you've handed absolute power to the oldest baby in America:  the quick-to-anger, reality-challenged Pussy Grabber in Chief (PGC).

I could explain, again, how and why you've made a needless, terrible mistake that you will soon regret, if you don't already.  But I'm exhausted by the thought of a man who should be occupying a rubber room sitting in the Oval Office.

So, please read these passages from the experts: the people who know the issues, who understand science, who deal in fact, and those know the PGC best.


PGC taking office amid ethical minefield that traces to the Kremlin, via @nytimes:

Mr. Trump will take the oath of office on Friday with his associates under investigation and after the intelligence agencies concluded that the Russian government had worked to help elect him. As president, Mr. Trump will oversee those agencies and have the authority to redirect or stop at least some of these efforts.


Author and Trump expert Wayne Barrett (who died yesterday at 71):

No one in American public life, other than perhaps their kindred spirit Newt Gingrich, has ever mastered the art of a bad divorce like Rudy and Donald, carrying on as if spousal humiliation was the point.


David Fahrenthold (@fahrenthold), Washington Post:

“It’s hard to make an IRS auditor laugh,” (a tax expert) told me. “But this would do it.”



Saturday, December 17, 2016

Murrow: "We Cannot Defend Freedom Abroad By Deserting It At Home"

Now boarding: the Magic Bigot Ride, next stop 1960.   

48 hours from now, the Electoral College will tragically rubber-stamp the misinformed public's choice (by a combined 78,000 votes in three states, less than 3% of Hillary Clinton's winning popular vote margin of 2,800,000) of a fraudulent, mean-spirited buffoon who plans to destroy fundamental, popular, successful American institutions while reversing decades of progress for women and long-suffering minorities.

It is at this very point that the so-called "mainstream media," denounced and derided by conservatives despite superficial coverage that worked in DT's favor, should be reminding the public of what's at stake (everything), how we got here (fraud) and what the electors can do about it (step in to prevent the unthinkable: the inauguration of DT).  

Under the Constitution, electors are not bound to any candidate.  They are completely entitled to become "faithless" electors, with a responsibility to block dangerous boors like DT.

The process of election affords a moral certainty, that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications. Talents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity, may alone suffice to elevate a man to the first honors in a single State; but it will require other talents, and a different kind of merit, to establish him in the esteem and confidence of the whole Union, or of so considerable a portion of it as would be necessary to make him a successful candidate for the distinguished office of President of the United States.  --Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Papers No. 68

This is a defining moment in network newsrooms.  They can continue to follow the easy path as if this is a traditional U.S. transfer of power.

Much better for the country, they can allow top-rated talent to do what a free press is supposed to do: BEFORE the deal is done, identify the nominee's disqualifying problems with fraud, inexperience, dishonesty, selfishness, lack of transparency and... Russia!

60 Minutes could dedicate its entire hour to this takedown and earn its biggest rating ever.  McCarthy was harmless compared to Trump, yet the senator was hit hard, with surgical precision, by Edward R. Murrow.  DT has earned the same treatment.  Does anyone in media have the skill and the will to challenge the Electoral College to save the country from this generation's despicable demagogue?

If the career con man succeeds in taking office, January 20th becomes Turn Back the Clock Day in America.  Destination:  1960.  Board that Magic Bigot Ride.  If you're a minority, take a seat in the back.



Sunday, December 11, 2016

CIA Thrown Under Bus aka This Presidency Will Self-Destruct in Five Seconds...

For a professional insult artist with the attention span of a child, a delusion of superiority, an obsession with public image, and a famously short temper, governing will be an impossible task.

DT will need every friend he can get.

So, in these sensitive moments before the Donald J. Trump 2017 Inaugural Ball and Orgy presented by Cialis, it would make perfect sense for him to eviscerate the Central Intelligence Agency.  NY Times: Trump, Mocking Claims That Russia Hacked Election, at Odds with G.O.P.

It apparently wasn't enough for DT to disparage the work of top U.S. military brass ("I know more about ISIS than the generals do.") and, as a result, the entire U.S. military, he just couldn't resist becoming the enemy of the men and women who act as the eyes and ears of Americans worldwide, charged with nothing less than protecting the lives of every single American.

Predictably, the former CIA officials who earnestly tried to explain why DT should never come close to the Oval Office are hopping mad.  Ex-CIA Director Michael Hayden is quoted in the New York Times:

“To have the president-elect of the United States simply reject the fact-based narrative that the intelligence community puts together because it conflicts with his a priori (preconceived) assumptions — wow."

Former U.S. intel officer David Priess is quoted by Vice News:

It is “unprecedented that a President Elect would go against the intelligence community publicly.”

So, the man who claims he will bring Americans together will apparently try to do this by antagonizing respectable Americans of all colors, creeds and positions of authority.

Who was gullible enough to believe that a career bully/ liar/ con artist/ narcissist/ philanderer with thin, orange skin would grow up in time to even marginally handle the most fundamental aspects of the most important job in the world?

Friday, December 2, 2016

Everything Is At Stake: Murrow the Media, Now

Perhaps fearing DT's uniquely vicious brand of retribution, the media is treating next month's U.S. transfer of power as if it centers on a qualified leader who will calmly steer the fundamental operations on which Americans depend.

However, this is not a routine, one dimensional, peaceful transfer speckled with a few minor glitches.

This is once-in-a-lifetime, complex, high wire transition that could lead directly to worldwide catastrophe.

It must be covered as such.


2.7 million more Americans voted for Clinton, and tens of millions are living in deep, very reasonable, mortal fear of what's ahead-- fear for their families, fear for their savings, fear for (or of) their neighbors.

The nuclear codes are about to be handed to a malicious, child-like, semi-literate Twitter troll who unjustly "won" office by willfully ignoring reality and leading followers to dangerous, false conclusions.

If permitted to take office, he will work with his band of pathetic enablers to wreak havoc on millions of good people with dangerously regressive policies that will destroy decades of progress in civil rights and hard-won, productive, popular social programs.

With the Oval Office likely being handed to a man who is poised to recklessly destroy many principles set in stone by the Founders, the media must follow the lead of Edward R. Murrow:

Deliver the truth, without being intimidated by the fanatics, religious zealots and corporate interests who will use a DT presidency as license to torch the Constitution, abuse minorities and destroy families by imprisoning or killing an untold number of people-- some as "the enemy," many others as collateral damage.

Everything is at stake.


What is "Murrow the Media?"

The media must immediately engage in full-scale, risk-taking journalism while refusing to parrot the DT disinformation machine.  They must inform the public and the Electoral College of the imminent threat.

During the campaign, DT's backers demanded — some by yelling, some with threats, all with false "facts" furnished by DT, Russian-backed Wikileaks and neo-Nazi websites — that the media cover Clinton shortcomings with the same intensity as DT's repeatedly proven, spectacular, dangerous inadequacies.

The competent, qualified person "lost."

Report what Murrow would report at this defining moment, when a rising demagogue-- in this case, a hateful career scam artist-- must be kept from destroying the country, and/ or the world.

Every time media cover a smarmy clown show like the DT "victory tour" or the selection of another soulless billionaire to supposedly help the "little guy," they should also fulfill the media's patriotic responsibility to preserve the very structure of the Constitution.

They must immediately cover:

--the very legitimate (80,000 combined vote margin, or 3% of Clinton's winning popular vote margin) recounts in MI, WI and PA
--the lead-up to the Electoral College vote-- set up by the Founders as a buffer between the Oval Office and the chosen candidate of an ill-informed mob
--the unfounded and dangerous positions of many of DT's Cabinet nominees
--the hundreds of hate crimes being perpetrated in his name, many of them against children.


DT, the Human Hate Crime, a lifelong devious fraud, has lost the popular vote, but "won" the White House.

He is a nightmare merger of ignorance and arrogance, with a short temper, a lack of knowledge, no interest in learning, and, soon, an itchy nuclear trigger finger.

Everything is at stake.

Murrow the Media, before it's too late.